

Part No (SKU)SizeResolutionGray Level
ET011TT61.1240 x 2404
EL015TR11.49160 x 160B/W/R
EL016TS11.64168 x 168B/W/R/Y
ED103TC210.31872 x 140416
ED113TC211.32400 x 103416
ED133UT213.31600 x 120016
ED133UT313.31600 x 120016
EL021TC12.13250 x 122B/W
EL021TR12.13250 x 122B/W/R
EL024TS32.36296 x 168B/W/R/Y/O
EL024TS52.36296 x 168B/W/R/Y
EL026TC12.66296 x 152B/W
EL026TR32.66296 x 152B/W/R
EC028TC12.84480 x 600Color
EC028TC22.84480 x 600Color
ED028TC12.84480 x 60016
ED029TC12.9296 x 128B/W
ET029TC12.9300 x 200B/W
ED029TC62.9296 x 128B/W
ED029TC72.9296 x 128B/W

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